Trust and Giving Thanks

(1 minute, 38 seconds) Personally, I have a beef with Mr. Incredible in the 2004 movie “The Incredibles.” After lying to his wife for an extended period of time about losing his job, Mr. Incredible steps back into the world of superhero business without being forthright with his wife, Elastigirl. She…

Broken Yet Flourishing

(2 minutes, 19 seconds) I am typing with five or six pieces of kinesiology tape stuck to my low back and hip. The girl who put it there, Carrie, is brilliant at all things biomechanical. The tape, placed in a specific and intricate pattern, lessens my pain. I am grateful….

Release Your Grip (Empty Nesting #3)

10-27-221 minute 41 seconds Being the parent of adult kids is like going through an automatic car wash.To stay on the track going through a carwash, you put your vehicle in neutral, keep your foot off the brake, and most importantly, take your hands off the wheel.Once inside the carwash,…

On Companionship (Empty Nesting #2)

10-13-22 (2 minutes, 20 seconds) Country music fan or not, you’ve most likely heard of George Straight. I like many of his songs and enjoy the movie Pure Country, in which he stars. However, my personal ranking of George leaped a few notches upward when I learned this about him…

When The Birdies Fly (Empty Nesting #1)

9-22-222 minutes flat 🙂 Recently it took three of us to clip our chickens’ wings.I caught and held each bird, our son gently stretched their right wings to expose the flight feathers, and hubs carefully snipped away a narrow row of feathers to keep our birdies earth-bound and inside their…

Heart Rocks

1 minute, 13 seconds “I brought you a gift from the North Shore!” My young friend’s eyes twinkled as she placed a heart-shaped stone in my palm. I am guilty of droning on to this sweet girl about my favorite place on earth, and I once told her about my…

Living a Considered Life

(1 minute, 12 seconds) I want to offer the encouragement that, as a daughter of the Most High, it is crucial to consider and prioritize maturing in the Lord and growing in godliness. I’ve been re-reading and re-riveted by Jean Fleming’s insightful book, Pursue the Intentional Life. When Jean turned…

The Author Is Our Friend

(1 minute, 22 seconds) Wisconsin summer days are fleeting. Keenly aware of this reality and determined to savor a warm, nearly perfect day recently, I loaded “Ruby,” my fast bike with skinny tires, onto my bike rack and drove to a nearby trail.As I joyfully and rhythmically pedaled my bike,…

Last Words

(2 minutes, 26 seconds) I loved my Grandma Ollie.Though I wasn’t hers by birth, Grandma loved me like her own. She taught me to cross-stitch, played funny finger games with me, and gave me her traditional 16 sugar cubes, beautifully boxed and wrapped in a lovely ribbon on my sweet…

For Glory and For Beauty 

2 minutes 45 seconds  I have a few articles of clothing hanging in my closet that I have never worn. It’s not that I don’t like them; in fact it’s entirely the opposite. I like them so much I only want to wear them for an extraordinary occasion. I wouldn’t…

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