God, Who Never Lies

God, Who Never Lies
(2 minutes, 12 seconds)

Growing up, my credulity, which in most cases is a good thing for little girls to have, led to several points of confusion.
Take Santa Claus, for instance. And the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy. Multiple times I questioned the authenticity of all of these. “Tell me really,” I would implore my older siblings and parents, “is it true?” And they would emphatically assure me about details concerning the jolly present giver, enchanted rabbit, and tooth-for-money-swapping fairy.
And so I believed them.

It was on the elementary school playground that the truth about these make-believe characters leaked out. Kids who were first to be enlightened acted astonished that their peers could be so dumb. I was devastated that my siblings and parents hadn’t told me the truth.

Lest you think I grew up to be the grinch that stole Christmas, as parents of four darling children we participated in all of these fun and make-believe festivities, including leaving notes to “Santa” with his cookies and milk. And our “tooth fairy” was known to dispense extra money for loose teeth that came out with braces attached. From the first introduction of these characters, our kids knew that they were make-believe, a fun story to play, not the truth, because we assured them we would never, ever lie to them.

Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and ….Jesus.
As a young girl I tried to discern the truth about Jesus on my own because clearly, I reasoned, I couldn’t trust my older siblings or my parents to be honest. Was Jesus true I wondered? Or would I one day, like that dreaded day in 3rd grade, learn the destabilizing truth that Jesus was made up too.
I worried that everyone else might be in on the lie except me.

Time passed and through a series of miraculous interventions in my undeserving life, God began to reveal Himself to me through His Spirit and His Word. Like Lydia, the seller of purple, God opened my eyes and ears, and like Peter, I leaped into the sea of His presence without reservation.

Recently I was reading in Titus and I stopped mid-sentence and just sat with these few words tumbling around my heart for a full twenty minutes.

“God, who never lies, promised…”

God never, ever lies.
Bank on it with everything you have. Depend upon it with every beat of your heart. Rest without reservation every time you read your bible. God never lies.
And so every promise He makes, everything He has revealed to us about Himself, is true. He says His love is unchanging, never failing, unending, and unconditional. And so it is. He says that after a little while of suffering, He Himself will restore, strengthen and establish us. And so He will.

The stunning thing for me is that this phrase, which practically seems written as an aside, is a virtual hinge point that every word of the Bible depends on.

If God wasn’t perfectly honest, if He wasn’t the only One Who never lies and Who could never lie, then we as believers would find ourselves in a desert of sinking sand.

In context, this passage in Titus talks about how eternal life is ours as His chosen and beloved because God, who never lies, said it is so.

“…for the sake of the faith of God’s elect and their knowledge of the truth, which accords with godliness, in hope of eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began…” Titus 1:2

See how “God, who never lies” is just kind of tucked into that passage? One could breeze right over it on their way from and to other vital truths in Titus.
The One who said He is the Way, the Life, and the Truth is an Anchor for our souls. Rest in, sing about, and treasure the gift of His trueness.

2 thoughts on “God, Who Never Lies

  1. Today, many people believe Truth is all relative. But we are blessed to know Truth exists, because we have a GOD who never lies. LORD help us each to bring those around us to the TRUTH…let us not just sit on this and make it a secret. Give us boldness and conviction to be YOUR messenger!!! Thank YOU JESUS for we are YOUR ambassadors.

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