Come To the Table

(1 minute, 45 seconds)

The table prayer written on the young fabric of my heart, involved inviting Jesus to be our guest as we were about to eat food;
“Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest…”

It was good to invite Jesus to that table.
But it is even better that He invites us to his.

I think of what I learned from the apostle Paul and *Heather Holleman from the book of Ephesians about being seated with Christ:

“But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, made us alive together with Christ.”
If he hadn’t died and been raised from the dead, we would still be dead in our trespasses and sins. Instead, we have been raised up with him!

“By grace you have been saved- and raised up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus”.
This is our astonishing invitation and place, to be seated with Christ in the heavenly places because of the mercy and love of God through the death-defying, death-defeating, resurrecting work of Jesus. He died so we wouldn’t stay dead in our sins. He was resurrected so we could be raised to walk in the newness of life.

It is my joy and delight to celebrate Passover with my family and some dear friends gathered for a Seder. As I prepare for our meal and plan for the worship celebration that will take place around our table, I am thinking about another table. Specifically, the heavenly table we are invited to because of the events that we remember this weekend.

My soul trembles a bit over the thought of what would have happened if Jesus hadn’t said, “but thy will be done” in the garden of Gethsemane. My heart beats faster when I consider what my destiny would be if He had passed on drinking the cup of suffering.
Oh, the eternal mercy that’s ours because Jesus drank the bitter cup on our behalf!

I want to remind you like I’ve needed to be reminded this week, there is no one unwelcome at the table of God.
**Thieves and doubters, heroes and cowards. All who dream and all who suffer. All who hunger, all who thirst. All who fail, you’ve been forgiven. Take your place beside the Savior. Sit down and be set free.
Come to the table.

Heather Holleman (book Seated with Christ)Highly recommend!
**from the lyrics of the beautiful song, Come To the Table by Sidewalk Prophets

One thought on “Come To the Table

  1. Thank you for this sweet reminder!! I just love Heather’s book and have passed it along.

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