Come Thou Long Expected Jesus – Sara GrovesO How We’ve Longed – Jonathan and Emily MartinOnce Upon – Sovereign Grace MusicBorn On That Day – Matt MaherO Come, All You Unfaithful – Sovereign Grace MusicLight Of The World – Lauren DaigleHope Of The Ages – Sovereign Grace MusicEmmanuel God With…
Giving Thanks: A Paradigm Shift
(2 minutes 29 seconds)November 22, 2023 Tomorrow, Thanksgiving Day, we will break a 20-year-long tradition. Established many years ago, our family’s particular custom of giving thanks holds the sweetest of places in my holiday memories. Since our children were very young, after turkey and mashed potatoes but before, always before…
Rejoice In This
Rejoice In This (1 minute, 26 seconds) Today, my heart hurts over the collective suffering of several people for whom I care deeply. Unfortunately, my suffering friends have this in common: their afflictions are not the run-of-the-mill daily bummers that we all experience. Instead, they are each enduring trials that are…
Sweeter After Difficulties
Sweeter After Difficulties – Dulcius Ex Asperis(2 minutes, 58 seconds -A personal testimony) I used to love running. On peaceful country roads all over the mid-west, I de-stressed as I prayed, sang, and solved oh-so-many problems. Then suddenly, I couldn’t run. Snatched from me ten years ago were running and…
Pondering Pinions
(2 minutes, 1 seconds) I heard a story about a woman who had stopped her car at a red light when a man with a gun suddenly opened the passenger side door and jumped into the seat next to her. As the story goes, this woman had recently been meditating…
(2 minutes, 15 seconds) In a self-entertaining effort to expand my vocabulary, I signed up for a daily email called “Word Daily.” The word of the day is usually somewhat eccentric and strange. I often have no clue how to pronounce the new-to-me word, and generally, the words that pop…
Wheat Fields and White Fields
(2 minutes, 14 seconds) Many things are different for my husband and me now that our nest is empty. Take, for instance, the whole realm of food and eating. With our birdies gone, we sometimes eat out spontaneously. There is no longer a filled cookie jar on the counter. Now,…
The Urgency of Friendships
(2 min, 34 seconds) I clearly remember the conversation where I was misled about the importance of women’s friendships. This wrong information was presented to me in the direst of tones and with the most earnest of facial expressions. I was told pointedly that to be a good mama to…
2 minutes, 1 second I have been joyfully turning the soil in my fruit and vegetable garden this summer. Among other things, I have transplanted into tidy rows of rich earth, previously stray, non-thriving strawberry plants which I discovered scattered about from the efforts of a previous gardener of this…
Bitterness or Better-ness
(1 minute, 8 seconds) My beloved Pastor Tom, who baptized me at 23 years old and performed our wedding ceremony when I was 24, is a Texan Baptist Preacher. From the pulpit one Sunday morning, towering in his cowboy boots, I clearly remember the booming words that he spoke in…