True North

(3 minutes, 15 seconds)

The Appalachian Trail is a hiking path in the Eastern United States. The trail is 2,185 miles long, extends from Georgia in the south to Maine in the north, and passes through 14 states. In 2011 as an experienced hiker, Jennifer Pharr Davis set the overall fastest known time hiking the entire Appalachian Trail. Astonishingly, she finished the whole route in just 46 days!
Davis accidentally took several wrong turns in her one-and-a-half-month endurance event, where she learned a critical lesson,

“It doesn’t matter how much energy you put forth or how fast you hike if you are headed in the wrong direction.”

The first Bible verse I memorized as a brand-new Christian was Proverbs 3:5-6:
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”
I can still type that by heart.

For most people, the sojourning trek on this earth is longer than the 46 days it took Davis to hike the Appalachian Trail. We will likely cover more than 2,100 miles in our earthly days. So the necessity of heading in the right direction, traveling the right trajectory throughout our lives, can’t be overstated.


My heart is heavy as I ponder the pressing and present reality of how distorted truth has confused, disoriented, and taken out once seemingly unshakable soldiers of Jesus.
Recently I have been made keenly aware of my need to be re-grounded in and reminded of the biblical truth of the beauty and strength of godly womanhood. So I turned to the Word of God and one of my home-girl mentors on this matter, author and speaker, sister in Jesus, Susan Hunt.

Susan distinguishes between the “true woman” and the “new woman” in her book, The True Woman. “The true woman’s purpose,” she says, “is God’s glory. Her standard to determine how to fulfill her purpose is God’s Word.” She contrasts, “The new woman’s rule for faith and practice is her experience.” My heart skips a beat over that last sentence.
How we feel is the modern way of discerning which way is left or right, up or down. Metaphorically “true north” is no longer considered a fixed point, a solid and unmoving reality. True north is relative to the individual without being anchored to an objective standard!
There are thousands of convenient but dangerous caveats to make true north “true for you.” Culturally and increasingly acceptable, how an issue sits with us, or if it makes us uncomfortable, is a leading determiner in understanding right from wrong.

In the garden, the crafty serpent asked Eve, “Did God really say…” (Genesis 3:1). Susan Hunt says, “Satan was casting doubt over the veracity and authority of God’s Word. The issue has been the same in every age: ‘Hath God said?’”
Susan says, “The unquestionable authority of God’s Word must be our standard. When we deviate from God’s truth, we lose touch with what is real. The slightest deviation from God’s truth produces a counterfeit reality that makes us vulnerable to the lure of culture.”

Should we honor the inclinations of our hearts? Does the Holy Spirit lead us, among other ways, as a still, small voice? Absolutely yes to both of these questions! However, God tells us explicitly not to lean on or depend upon our own understanding. Why? Because our understanding, our feelings alone may lead us down the wrong paths.

We need to trust the Lord with all of our heart and not lean on our own understanding. We need godly and wise counsel. We need the Word of God as the final authority on what is true north to guide us and lead our hearts down straight paths. How do we stay on the path of life and godliness?

“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:6

The way that the “true woman” knows how to walk a straight path and not take wrong turns is God’s Word. The ultimate compass for heading true north is God’s Word and His Spirit, who always leads according to His Word.

As Jennifer Davis learned in the mountains of the eastern U.S., it doesn’t matter how much effort is applied in confused gusto and enthusiasm to sort out the “truth” if we are heading in the wrong direction.
Get on the right course and proceed in the direction of true north. Maintain accountability and close relationships with godly women. Abide with Jesus, and above all, stay grounded in the Word of God.

photo credit: Jen Theodore, Unsplash

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